Welcome to A Secret Garden Wellness Studio, located at 5237 Albermale Rd suite 213 Charlotte, NC 28212. This is a place where you can learn to manage your stress and emotions by taking a preventative approach to self care. We offer everything from yoga classes to corporate clients, schools, and organizations, guided meditations, readings, sound baths, etc. Dynamic Mindfulness and Spiritual Coaching is available to individuals and groups.
This space is also utilized for workshops, events, etc. If you’re a spiritual practitioner, and you would like to host workshops or events in this studio, please email sauls@asecretgarden.org for more info.
Yoga Class for CVS Health and Wellness Employees. We provide Yoga classes and guided meditations offsite at the client’s preferred location.
Mindfulness Based workshops for Freedom Schools to teach middle schoolers how to deactivate their stress response.

A medium/intuitive reading is a reading where I connect to source or God. I align my energy with the highest vibration. I do this through meditation. Once I’m connected, I can then align myself to the energy of the person I am reading. This way, the information I receive comes directly from the divine. I’m a channel that passes information from God source. I also do Tarot readings as well. The cost for readings are $85 for half and hour and $130 for an hour. Please email me to schedule a reading.
See what others are saying about their intuitive reading experiences!

Start your journey into a more mindful life! Sign up and receive your FREE 7-Day Mindfulness Journal.

Come join us every Monday evening at 7pm for a guided meditation. Meditation pillows are provided, but please feel free to bring your own yoga mat. It’s $5 to join. We are located at 5237 Albermale rd suite 213 Charlotte NC, 28212. If you just need a few minutes to center yourself, or tune out what’s going on in the world, then please feel free to click the link to get access to my free guided meditations. I have a little bit of something for everyone and the best part is it only takes a few minutes out of your day, but leaves a lasting vibration that will carry you through.